Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Get Over It Already!!!

I am so sick and tired of hearing about these whiny parents, religious fundamentalists, and overall dunderheads complaining and conspiring to ruin things that have been around for years and years and years.

A couple years ago, a rabbi had Christmas decorations removed from an airport. Shortly after that, Christian extremists tried to stop the production of the NINTENDO WII simply because its Internet browser, if parental controls are not checked and altered, can surf for porn. A few weeks ago, the mother of a child who was frightened by a skeleton in the window of a library they were passing by had it removed. A couple days ago, another parent complained to their municipality about a neighbor's Halloween decorations on their front lawn being "too frightening".

I really am tired of this bullshit. Why is it that when I was a kid, everyone was more chipper during the holidays, but nowadays, people get offended by a DAMN CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! They don't call it "Christmas Break" anymore. Now it's "Holiday Vacation". More and more people are becoming "aware" of the "dangers of Halloween", and to keep them satisfied, local governments lower the trick-or-treating curfew earlier and earlier.

Here is what I have to say to any of you whiny sons of a bitches who may read this: You are fucking worthless. Get over yourself. Just because you don't like something, it doesn't mean you have the right to ruin it for everyone else. No one cares what you have to say. STOP FUCKING UP OUR HOLIDAYS!

That's it. This year, I'm protesting Thanksgiving because I believe it is a bigot's holiday. We are celebrating our first successful winter in the country before it was a country with Native Americans who we later slaughtered or forced from home. Or, how about FUCK Martin Luther King Day! Let's abolish the 4th of July because we're doing exactly the same thing to Iraq that Britain tried with us.

Sounds a little out of control, right? How do you think NORMAL people feel when you try and fucking ruin THEIR good time with your useless bitching? Get over it, let your kids know fear, teach them the difference between real and fake, and move on with your sad, pathetic life. Making a big stink about something that isn't even worthy of a good stink.

It seems that nowadays they'll give ANYONE their fifteen minutes of fame if they make a big stink about something. I'm gonna start a movement against people making a big stink.

I say FUCK the First Amendment. No one understands what it means anymore. They think that they can just start shit just because. I hate people. I wish you would all just die and let the rest of us be happy. NOTHING pisses me off more than bitchy people.

...except when there's nothing good on TV.